Friday, September 25, 2009

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oh hello thar. Why am I sitting in the dark? D:
This post all about checking how it actually wood look like if I write like this but about ET related shit. Anyway. I've had cake. Which I kind of made myself. I just bought the ingredians, then did what I had to do to make the poweder a juciy cake. It actually turned out really epic. <3

I've been to school today, yeah really. It was okay, but we had a test I really really didn't read for, stupid me. I failed really big, I just know it.

Oh hello thar. Why am I sitting in the dark? D:
This post all about checking how it actually wood look like if I write like this but about ET related shit. Anyway. I've had cake. Which I kind of made myself. I just bought the ingredians, then did what I had to do to make the poweder a juciy cake. It actually turned out really epic. <3

I've been to school today, yeah really. It was okay, but we had a test I really really didn't read for, stupid me. I failed really big, I just know it.

FlyForFame. <3 

Girl, yer stupid.

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